Thank you for your business!
Monday-Thrusday 8am to 3pm
Friday 8am to Noon
#1 in the #2 Business
Payment due at time of service.
Cash, check or Venmo.
Main Drain
One man, one hour, up to one hundred (100) feet of cable
The main drain/sewer is the pipe that leads from your house to the city sewer line under the street, generally a four inch pipe. If this line is plugged, flushing toilets and running ANY water in the house will cause water to come out of the floor drain, basement shower or lowest drain in your house.
Small Drains
One man, one hour, up to fifty (50) feet of cable
Kitchen sink
Bath tub
Wash basin or Bathroom sink
Floor drain
Laundry tub
All these drain lines lead to the main sewer line.
Trip Charge
If no problem found or no work done.
More than one drain?
First drain or main sewer is full price. Each drain after:
$50/drain, up to three (3) drains
$20/drain after that
Get in touch
Old school. Leave a message with your address, please!
Calls will be returned Monday-Friday from 612-423-2417.
Calls returned and work scheduled in the order received.